Newborn Care Specialist

What are Newborn Care Specialists (NCS)?

Newborn Care Specialists (sometimes referred to as baby nurses or maternity nurses) are childcare professionals who specialize in newborn and infant care and development. Most NCS will hold a Newborn Care Specialist certification and have extensive training in topics including:  feeding methods and lactation, sleep routines and conditioning, the postpartum period, care of multiples or premature babies, and more.

It is good practice to hire your Newborn Care Specialist when your doctor confirms your due date. Many NCS are booked up to a year in advance, so planning early will make certain you are matched with the ideal caregiver. Arranging your care early will also mean more time to enjoy pregnancy or preparation time for the family.

What are the duties of Newborn Care Specialists?

Newborn Care Specialists can provide around-the-clock care for infants from newborn up to one year and are most specialized in the first 12 weeks to 6 months of development. They will work to establish a sleeping and feeding pattern with the infant based on the parents’ preferences and baby’s needs. They typically work a 20-hour “live-in” position or a 12-hour nighttime shift between 5 and 7 days per week. Their duties are often transferred to a nanny once the infants are on a structured sleeping and feeding schedule.

Newborn Care is a service and support to new parents as they recuperate and adjust to life with baby. NCS can also be invaluable help to parents who choose to have a baby through a surrogate.